For items shipped by Wurzel Performance from Wurzel Performance's warehouse:
Many products shipping from our warehouse are carefully inspected for damage prior to shipping. For other items they are (DNR) do-not-repack and are not inspected. In many cases we will improve on and reinforce the original packaging provided by the manufacturer. Our expert shipping staff takes extra time in the packaging process to minimize potential shipping damage as best we possibly can. Upon the arrival of your items, inspect everything thoroughly, even if packaging is intact, before signing the delivery receipt. If the box is damaged in any way, take photos and notate the damage when receiving the item. If you are unable to officially notate the damage with the shipping carrier at the time of delivery you must reject the package. Once signed as undamaged, any freight damage claim is null and void and we can do nothing to help you. Additionally, please note that items cannot be insured for more than the stated value. If you need to process a damage claim, action must be taken within 72 hours of delivery. After 72 hours, refunds, reorders and claims cannot be processed. Wurzel Performance will not be held responsible for the outcome of the claim, although we will assist you to the furthest extent possible.
For items shipped directly from a manufacturer or third party distributor:
We will do everything in our power to assist you if you happen to experience damage to a shipment from a third party, however Wurzel Performance has no control over packaging, shipping or damage claims for any shipment sent by a third party to the customer. We recommend that you follow the same procedure as we require regarding potential damage claims. By ordering you agree to abide by the shipping and damage claims procedures of any third parties involved. If you would like any details about shipping insurance and procedures for please request this prior to initiating your order.