Order Cancellation & Refunds

Once an order is shipped, we can't cancel an order as we are unable to "recall" a shipment. Orders that have already shipped out may not have a tracking number available until the next day.
If your cancellation is due to your order being out of stock or we did not ship out the item within 5 business days you will receive a full 100% refund if you wish to cancel your order.
For cancellations that are not our fault, but you simply changed your mind we will withhold the banking fee charged to us by the payment processor (as we don't get refunded for it) used at time of purchase and refund the rest. The withheld amount is variable depending on what processor and what credit card was used, but is approximately 3 to 4% of your total amount paid. Refunds can only be issued back through the original payment method and account used at time of purchase.

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